Tuesday, March 17, 2009

n! entertainment presents, a true malaysian story

She looks up, and her eyes shine in awe as they reflect the stars beautifully dotted across the night sky. A rare sight; she is always cooping up in her room. She feels a sense of pity for the glittering night jewels to be overlooked, or maybe it is she who should be pitied. The whole thing with the cosmos and infinite and life, it makes her feel so trivial, insignificant. Alone.

She then wonders if he too is looking up at the stars. She then wonders if he is filled with the same awe. She then wonders if he can even see them at all, what with the city lights outshining the soft blinking speckles against the dark velvet cloth stretched above the both of them.

Under the same sky, yet worlds apart.

She feels more alone, more than ever, as she trudges back. A bus whizzes past her. She recognizes the glowing red U63 and thinks that it will be truly spectacular if he was on that bus, on his way to see her tonight.

She continues walking home while battling the tears in her eyes. 

As her room door swings shut behind her, they fall.


It's that time of the month right before the time of the month, when hormones go haywire and stuff. PMS might be the reason for the impulsiveness. I left home for KFC, but I noticed the stars, got emo and went to McD's in Mentari. It's quite a walk away, not really a safe one either T___T Jalan jalan, beli makan, emo sambil jalan pulang. And then nangis lagi.

Oh, baby.